Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What is Sickle Cell - Awareness...

Dear readers,
In this section we would like you to be aware of What is Sickle cell disease, How do you recognize it, Where to go and how TSCS can help you…


Sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder in which red blood cells (RBCs) are abnormally shaped. All the problems in sickle cell disease are due to its shape, which resembles a ‘C’, shaped farm tool called a sickle. Normal red blood cells are flexible and flow easily but in sickle cell disease due to its deformity, they are stiff and can get stuck in a tiny blood vessels cutting off the blood supply to nearby tissues.

This abnormality can result in painful episodes, serious infections, chronic anemia, and damage to body organs.

These complications can, however, vary from person to person depending on the type of sickle cell disease each has. Some people are relatively healthy and others are hospitalized frequently.

Today with early diagnosis and treatment, most kids born with this disorder grow up to live relatively healthy and productive lives.


Recurrent episodes of fever associated with bone pains, anemia, jaundice and splenomegaly.


If above symptoms and signs are noticed/observed in an infant or child, consult your pediatrician. A simple blood test like CBP, P.S and Sickleing test will help in suspecting the problem.
Contact Thalassemia & Sickle cell society of Hyderabad for further assistance.


Thalassemia and sickle cell society of Hyderabad (TSCS) can guide you to approach our patron Doctors and If diagnosed with Sickle cell anemia, Parents and extended family of the child get genetic conselling and help is provided in management and prevention of these genetic disorders.

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